

We going to begin to look at another aspect of God’s divine reset; “Restoring the Soul of a Nation (pt 1).” In the Old Testament we read where kings that were in authority had an effect on an entire nation, for better or worse depending on that king. Likewise, today we in America have presidents that can have a positive or negative effect on an entire nation because of their position of authority.

That being said, on November 5th of 2024 God saw fit to reset this nation in order to restore the soul of America and re-align us with His will for our lives. To bring down the false idolatrous gods, whereas He would be honored again in His rightful place as the only One True and Living God in America.

Our scripture references are found in 1st Kings 18:17-18; 2nd Kings 21:1-9; Exodus 15:3; 2nd Chronicles 20:29; 1st Samuel 13:13-14 and 31:9-10; Acts 13:22; Ezra 1:1-4; Isaiah 44:24-28; 2nd Chronicles 28:1-4. I pray this message enlightens your understanding. Listen, for life!

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