

This is a continuation of the message “Restoring the Soul ofa Nation (pt 2).” God set several things in motion upon His divine reset on November 5, 2024; just to name a few. One, He began to expose and bring down the false idolatrous gods that tore at the fabric of our nation. Two, He began to re-establish Himself as the only One True and Living God in America; based on His word, will and ways. Three, He wants to preserve life and the nation(s). And four, He stopped Satan from changing the times by trying to rush the anti-Christ into power.

Oftentimes, God has to step in and save mankind from destroying ourselves, and this is one of those times in His divine reset as He restores the soul of America.

Our scripture references are found in 2nd Kings 9:22,30-37; Isaiah 44:28 and 45:1-6; Matthew 24:22; Ephesians 4:7,10-11; Revelation 2:20 and Psalm 33:12. I pray this message enlightens your understanding. Listen, for life!

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