When the Lord allows re-tests in our lives, it's for various reasons. To refine us; rid our hearts and minds of thinking and behaviors that don't belo...
Friday, May 21, 2021This Time.....!
If we haven't always followed the Lord wholly in obedience to His Word, the good news is we get to retake the test of our faithfulness to "The Father"...
Monday, May 17, 2021Jesus, Our Sustainer (pt 2)
This is part 2 of Jesus, Our Sustainer. Jesus not only sustains us through trials and testing, He being our Great High Priest prays us through. I pray...
Friday, May 14, 2021Jesus, Our Sustainer
When we've remained faithful to the Lord throughout tribulation, what do we do when people betray our trust? In light of the aftermath, Jesus is there...
Saturday, May 8, 2021In the Face of Fear (Part 2)
Life comes with a slew of emotions, yet when it comes to fear that's one emotion that can paralyze our faith. When the Lord prompts our heart, that's ...
Friday, May 7, 2021In the Face of Fear
Life comes with a slew of emotions, yet when it comes to fear that's one emotion that can paralyze our faith. When the Lord prompts our heart, that's ...
Wednesday, May 5, 2021Heart Guard (pt 2)
This message is part 2 of the radio broadcast that aired Friday, April 30th. Without realizing it, when we harden our hearts toward people something h...
Friday, April 30, 2021Heart Guard (pt 3)
This message is part 3 of the radio broadcast that aired Friday, April 30th. In this episode we take a closer look at anger in relationship to hardeni...
Friday, April 30, 2021Heart Guard (pt 1)
This is part 1 of the messages "Heart Guard." In order to move forward in God, it's important not to become stagnant by hardening our hearts. There no...
Friday, April 23, 2021Faith Acts!
Acting on the Word of God is the only way to bring results in our life. God never intended for us to live independent of Him and His Word. There's no ...
Friday, April 16, 2021Hear Hear!
In our faith series, just like we eat food on a daily basis for nourishment and strength. In like manner, as "children of God" we must feed on the wor...
Monday, April 12, 2021Faith's Call, Make Sure it's God.
This episode was recorded March 24th, it is a continuation of the message aired on Friday March 19th. If we are working a secular job, before we leave...